Monday, 13 April 2020

5G Advantages and Disadvantage

Most people spend almost every little time they have on their phone (on the couch, kitchen, bathroom road, car etc) at some point in time, the connection would be slow and annoying. Imagine how much attachment that individual would have to the phone or how it would feel, when it takes you seconds to download a movie of over 5k. How easy it becomes with you keeping up with social media, friends, family and lots more.

5G invented by China on November 1, 2019 is the fifth generation of cellular networks. it' speed ranges from 50Mbit/s to over 2Gbit/s and is expected to be one of the best wireless technologies ever created. After much time spent in it, creating 5G is becoming a reality as many telecommunication service provider are upgrading its infrastructure to offer 5G as 5G could mean a new future for the world.

Advantage of 5G

  • 5G comes with high Bandwidth meaning faster speed leading to faster downloads and uploads of files. 
  • High number of connectivity as 5G will allow for more devices to access the mobile internet at the same time such as smart cities, autonomous cars as seen in movies.
  • Healthier planet and global equality as a result of this, 5G can reduce up to 90% of our current power consumption which would have a significant impact on climate change.
  • Low latency, one benefit of 5G and is the short lag time between a device pinging the network and getting a response.
  • Autonomous car technology allowing vehicle to vehicle communications, collision warning as well as weather alerts

Disadvantage of 5G
  • There is risk of over crowding or overloading the frequency as many devices will be connected
  • High cost as many devices would be replaced. Their compatibility with the 5G would not be possible. 
  • Security and privacy issues not yet solved. 
  • The technology is still under process

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